I think all of us here at Xcellent ATL agrees that being an entrepreneur is an exciting and incredible journey. Something to remember is just because we’re the bosses of our businesses doesn’t mean that we’ll become burnt-out in the process. Learning to become more proactive daily with quality performance starts with one thing; organization. Read on to know what we teach in our office to enable our team to embrace organizational skills to their fullest.

Avoid Multitasking

This may seem counterintuitive, but you getĀ lessĀ done when you multitask. When you give in to multitasking, your attention is divided, so you’re not putting 100% into the work that needs to be done. It takes longer to complete both tasks together than to bring one job to completion and then work on the other. We encourage our team to focus on one task at a time and finish each with a positive attitude and without taking shortcuts.

Put Everything In Its Place

It’s never too late or too early to clear your workspace. The right time is now to prepare you for the days ahead. Once everything has its place, you’ll naturally feel more productive. It’s essential to make a genuine effort to return items you’ve used to their home location periodically throughout the day and mostly before you leave in the evening. That way, your desk, and office environment will be organized when you return the next morning. This will ensure you start your day with the right foot forward.

Unsubscribe & Clear Your Inbox

If you’re anything like our team here at Xcellent ATL, your email is one of the most critical resources of the day. Resist the urge to avoid the app or tab on your browser. Create folders for work, personal, and other types of messages to keep them organized. Make it your goal to have an empty inbox by the end of the workday.

If you continuously have junk mail and offers collecting in your inbox, it’s easy to miss an important message that may come through. When you commit to managing your inbox, it will take up to two weeks to eliminate those unwanted subscriptions. Each time one drops in your inbox, and you hit that “unsubscribe” button before deleting it forever, pat yourself on the back for taking another small step toward mastering organization.

Set Aside Time For Organization

With the three tips above, it’s important not to stop there. Adopt the habit to carve out time for organization every single day. When you build upon previous organization, it becomes second nature instead of such a chore. An easy window to dedicate 5-10 minutes of your time is during a lunch break. Start a timer on your phone and while you’re filling your body with nutrition, delete those unnecessary emails, unsubscribe from your junk mail, and tidy up your work area.

Being organized doesn’t have to be an obstacle to overcome each day. The team at Xcellent ATL knows that with a positive attitude and determination to become a better version of yourself, you’ll notice that life is more comfortable when you embrace organization. When you can streamline your organizational habits, you know you’re making progress.