In today’s world, our lives revolve around social media. We challenge you to find one person that has never been active on any social media site! We promise it will be next to impossible. We believe that these sites consist of two different types of motivators. You have the idyllic influencers that spend their time giving out false realities of everyday life. Then, you have professionals that want to spread their success stories in order to help others reach their goals in life. We don’t know about you, but at Xcellent ATL, we would rather have the harsh truth than a fairytale. We want you to fill your social media platforms with people that are encouraging you to succeed and to work hard in your career…and that means painting hard work as it is – HARD. To help you out, we have compiled a list of some top social media gurus that you should be following today!
Tai Lopez
As one of the most well-known social media gurus, Tai Lopez is an ingenious Instagram motivator. With over 3.1 million followers, he has mastered the idea of “get rich quick”. Sorry, though, this still requires a TON of hard work and making smart decisions. He is a constant source of encouragement and will be the first to tell you to get up, stop being lazy, and start working for your success. Here at Xcellent ATL, we look to Tai when we need the motivation to keep working hard for our goals!
Grant Cardone
If you are working in the sales field, then Grant Cardone is the guru for you! With most motivation experts on social media being the business type, it is important for an influencer to set themselves apart from the pack and Grant Cardone has done just that. He is the KING of quick business tips. If you are looking for a crash course in how to succeed in sales or even real estate, head to his sites and hit the follow button. We promise you won’t be disappointed!
Gary Vaynerchuk
With 5.3 million Instagram followers, Gary Vaynerchuk’s social media presence speaks for itself. However, that won’t stop us from bragging about him. He is your one-stop spot for investment and business tips. Here at Xcellent ATL, we know that these can be confusing industries, but Vaynerchuk finds a way to not only motivate and promote hard work but educate through his daily social media posts. This is where we head any time we want to pick up a few new business tips and tricks!
Tony Robbins
It is impossible to talk about social media gurus without mentioning Tony Robbins! He is one of the largest household names when it comes to motivation, and his legacy speaks for itself. While he does not discuss specific business tactics like our previous gurus, he is the original motivator and pushes his followers to do their absolute best to not only change their lives for the better but the world. At Xcellent ATL, we believe that there is no better place to start than at the beginning and Tony Robbins is one of the original spearheads of the motivational guru movement.
Now, we offer you a challenge. Log in to your social media accounts, follow our gurus, and allow them to make a positive difference in your life. This is an opportunity to broaden your mindsets, strengthen your career, and to stay consistently inspired and motivated. From all of us here at Xcellent ATL, we wish you the best of luck!